128x64 EasyC OLED Display 1.0.0
This is a library for Soldered OLED Display
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Adafruit_SPITFT.h File Reference

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class  Adafruit_SPITFT
 Adafruit_SPITFT is an intermediary class between Adafruit_GFX and various hardware-specific subclasses for different displays. It handles certain operations that are common to a range of displays (address window, area fills, etc.). Originally these were all color TFT displays interfaced via SPI, but it's since expanded to include color OLEDs and parallel-interfaced TFTs. THE NAME HAS BEEN KEPT TO AVOID BREAKING A LOT OF SUBCLASSES AND EXAMPLE CODE. Many of the class member functions similarly live on with names that don't necessarily accurately describe what they're doing, again to avoid breaking a lot of other code. If in doubt, read the comments. More...


typedef uint8_t ADAGFX_PORT_t
 PORT values are 8-bit.
typedef class HardwareSPI SPIClass
 SPI is a bit odd on WICED.
typedef volatile ADAGFX_PORT_tPORTreg_t
 PORT register type.


enum  tftBusWidth { tft8bitbus , tft16bitbus }

Detailed Description

Part of Adafruit's GFX graphics library. Originally this class was written to handle a range of color TFT displays connected via SPI, but over time this library and some display-specific subclasses have mutated to include some color OLEDs as well as parallel-interfaced displays. The name's been kept for the sake of older code.

Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit!

Written by Limor "ladyada" Fried for Adafruit Industries, with contributions from the open source community.

BSD license, all text here must be included in any redistribution.

Typedef Documentation


typedef uint32_t ADAGFX_PORT_t

PORT values are 8-bit.

PORT values are 32-bit.

◆ PORTreg_t

typedef volatile ADAGFX_PORT_t* PORTreg_t

PORT register type.

◆ SPIClass

typedef class HardwareSPI SPIClass

SPI is a bit odd on WICED.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ tftBusWidth

For first arg to parallel constructor
